ADMS, Airline Document Management System

Welcome to
Murray Air Certifications' ADMS

Supporting certified airlines & airlines working towards certification.

ADMS is a system that eliminates the need for paper manuals for your airline. ADMS will reduce the labor required to maintain a paper manual system by 90%. ADMS meets all of the regulatory requirements for manual distribution, version control and tracking, and makes it only take minutes, not hours for your technical publications department to issue and track a company wide revision to your manuals.

The ADMS system has been designed for complete flexibility so that it can easily be adapted for each airline’s preferred business processes. Yet it retains a simple browser-based interface that even novice users will be able to use without being intimidated. After an understanding of each airline’s specific needs, the ADMS system is customized for that airline and the airline’s logo is included to give it a more customized look and feel. The airline then has the option of choosing to have Murray Air host their manuals during (and after) the certification process. They can also choose to use the manual review feature within the system or simply to use ADMS to distribute documents. Automatic notification will be sent to content subscribers via e-mail each time there are updates. Users simply log into the ADMS via a web browser. Upon login, the user may synchronize their subscribed documentation via a single update button click. Their activity will be logged for tracking and reporting purposes. In the event their download activity is prematurely terminated, restart capability is a standard feature so that the system will pick up right where it left off.  

For more information or to schedule a Free No Obligation Demonstration

Free demo evaluate with no obligation Contact:   Aaron Enzer with ACE-E, LLC

Toll-Free: 877-ACE-E-LLC (877-223-3552)
Local: 734-428-0900 FAX: 734-428-0901
PO Box 2, Manchester, MI 48158